Dear Parishioners of St. Genevieve – St. Maurice,
The road to Calvary was filled with suffering, the cross and the Lord’s death. It appeared that all was lost – but He lived! He is risen from the very tomb that enclosed Him and He establishes the way. The joy of Easter is that God’s love conquers. The way to the empty tomb and everlasting life is through uniting ourselves to the cross, as our Lenten decoration in the church was about this year.
Let this Easter be a time of renewal for our faith. See the sign of the empty tomb and rejoice in Christ’s victory over your sin and death. Resolve to return Him with your whole heart, trusting that He will provide for your every need. Live in the joy of the Resurrection and share that joy with those who have yet to experience it.
Like the disciples, let’s proclaim in our church and to others in our lives:
Alleluia, He is Risen!!!
Happy and Holy Easter, Fr. Tom
By the Faithful Disciple
Wishing you a blessed Easter! One of our commitments in growing as disciples of Jesus, especially at the beginning of this most important season of Easter, is to study Scripture. John’s Gospel today depicts the story of the empty tomb ” the reactions of Mary of Magdala and the two disciples trying to make sense of what they had seen. What we may have missed, however, are the words of St. Peter in the first reading from Acts speaking of Jesus: “This man God raised on the third day and granted that he be visible, not to all the people, but to us, the witnesses chosen by God in advance, who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead.” Jesus appeared post-resurrection to those to whom he was closest ” the witnesses chosen by God whom he had commissioned to preach the Gospel to all people, so all might believe in him. In this way the chosen few, Christ’s heralds, would bring the Good News of his resurrection to the many. So we too, now, are witnesses, chosen by God in our baptism and come to this table of thanksgiving and sacrifice. By faith we grow as his disciples, ready to go forth to lead others to him.
As we know, these first disciples of Christ went on mission throughout the known world to preach to the Jews as well as the Gentiles. Their task was not easy; all endured opposition and hardship; many were martyred. But gone was the fear they may have felt at the crucifixion; by the power of the Holy Spirit these early missionaries were full of courage and commitment, and were driven to proclaim the risen Jesus to all. What does this have to do with us today? By virtue of our baptism, we also are chosen by God to be his witnesses in the world. We are called to “preach the Gospel” with how we live our lives. When we trust in the promises of Christ and know the peace that only he can bring, it gives us the strength to testify to friends, family and others that God loves us and has redeemed us. Good News indeed.
Christ is risen, Alleluia! The Resurrection means that nothing can separate us from God’s love and presence with us. Spend time this week in prayer contemplating these two truths: The purpose of our lives is to continually GROW in intimate relationship with God; and Jesus’ final command to his disciples and us is to “GO and make disciples of all nations.” (Mt 28:19)