Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation News

Hello Parents,
In the Easter Gospel we hear about how the disciples found the tomb empty three days after Jesus’
death. We are also told that they do not yet understand the Scriptures or that Jesus had been raised from
the dead. That understanding gradually unfolded for the disciples as they began to experience the risen
Lord. Similarly, our understanding of Jesus’ Resurrection unfolds for us throughout our lives. In the weeks
ahead, we will hear how the first disciples moved from confusion, doubt, and skepticism to faith. Their
experience can teach us how we too might receive this gift of faith from God.
Gather your family members and ask them to share what they know about the events that happened in
the days after Jesus’ crucifixion. Invite your family to imagine that they are among Jesus’ first disciples.
Read together today’s Gospel, John 20:1-9. Reflect together on the Gospel with questions such as these: If
you had been among the first disciples who heard that the stone had been removed from Jesus’ tomb and
that Jesus’ body was no longer there, what would you think? What did Mary of Magdala, Simon Peter, and
the disciple whom Jesus loved think had happened? Recall that this experience is the first indication Jesus’
disciples have that he is risen. Throughout the Easter season, we will learn more about how the disciples
came to believe that Jesus had been raised from the dead.
Partners in Faith,
Phyllis Chudzinski

Wed. 4/3/24- Class resumes 5:30-7pm
Wed. 4/10/24- Class 5:30-7pm, Reconciliation Retreat for parents and students in 2nd grade