Hello Families,
Within normal family life, there are many opportunities for conflict. Jesus did not promise us the absence of conflict in our lives. Instead, he gave us the gifts of peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation so that we could reduce conflict. The measure of Christian family life is not the absence of conflict, but the manner in which conflict is resolved. Filled with the gift of the Holy Spirit, we ask Jesus to help us to bring peace and forgiveness to situations of conflict in our families.
As your family gathers, take this opportunity to examine how your family resolves conflict. Recall a recent argument or disagreement and discuss how the conflict was resolved. Consider whether the conflict was resolved peacefully, in the spirit of Jesus. If not, discuss alternatives that might be tried in the future. Read together today’s Gospel, John 20:19-31. Recall that we have each received Jesus’ gift of the Holy Spirit and that the Holy Spirit helps us to be people who forgive others and seek peace. Pray together the Prayer to the Holy Spirit or the Peace Prayer of Saint Francis.
Liturgy Link – What do we say after the priest says, “Let us offer each other the sign of peace”? How does that remind you of today’s Gospel?
Family Challenge – At 3:00pm each day this week (the hour of mercy), say “Jesus, I trust in you” and pray for an increase in trust in God. Set a reminder on your phone to help you remember.
Family Fun – Build a Fort- After Jesus’ resurrection, the disciples gathered in the Upper Room. Create a gathering space of your own by building a fort at home. You can build it with blankets, pillows, cardboard boxes, etc. Hang out and play games, tell stories, or imagine what it was like for the disciples in the Gospel today.
Partners in Faith,
Phyllis Chudzinski
Wed. 4/10/24- Class 5:30-7pm, Reconciliation Retreat for parents and students in 2nd grade
Wed. 4/17/24- Class 5:30-7pm