Dear Parents,
I would like to say a special “thank you” to our First communion catechist, Mrs. Barb Janezcko, who did a wonderful job inspiring and getting our students ready for their First Holy Communion last Sunday. And to Mrs. Mary Dudek who grows the Forget-Me-Not flowers in her garden that are given to the students on their special day, “thank you”!
TAKE TIME TO CHAT – What does Jesus command us to do in today’s Gospel? How can we “go and proclaim the Gospel to every creature”? Jesus said that great signs will accompany those who proclaim the Gospel. Where does that power come from? Explain how the power of the Holy Spirit moved in young Catherine of Alexandria. What would happen if you opened yourself up to the power of the Holy Spirit?
LITURGY LINK – What are the last words that are said by the priest or deacon at the end of Mass? In what way do these words remind you of today’s Gospel?
FAMILY PRAYER – Prayer Over Family Members – “Jesus, our Lord, we worship you. You are our brother and our Savior. We look forward to the glory of Heaven, but until that time, you have commissioned us to proclaim the Gospel. Bless us, Lord, and help us be a blessing to others. [Pray the following prayer individually over each family member. Invite everyone else to place their hand on the person’s shoulder.] Bless [name of family member] and give [name] the grace and wisdom he/she needs for this day and strength for carrying out your will. Help [name] proclaim the Good News of Jesus in word and deed today and always. Help us to always seek you, Lord. We look to you for guidance, strength, and all that we need. Amen.”
FAMILY CHALLENGE – Decide on one way your family can proclaim the Gospel to your neighbors and friends.
FUN FACTS – On Mother’s Day, more phone calls are made than any other day of the year.
Partners in Faith,
Phyllis Chudzinski
Vacation Bible School is June 24th-June 28th!
Registrations are in the Gathering Area