Livonia, Michigan

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

By the Faithful Disciple

All this talk about wisdom in today’s readings … why should we care? Born of a familiarity with the heart of God, wisdom is a virtue that grants us discernment to know right from wrong and to follow God’s plan. It is so important to the life of the disciple that it is a gift given to us by the Holy Spirit. In our first reading from – notice – the Book of Wisdom, the author, likely expressing the sentiments of King Solomon, praises and esteems wisdom above everything else. Prized over money, health, or beauty, wisdom brings together “all good things.” If wisdom is so valuable, we must follow Solomon’s lead and seek it. Where do we find wisdom? In the second reading from Hebrews, we learn that we can seek wisdom in the word of God. God’s word penetrates “between soul and spirit” and is “able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart.” Therefore, immersing ourselves in God’s word allows us to discern between right and wrong and choose the path most pleasing to God.

We become familiar with God’s word by reading Scripture and by turning to him in prayer. Prayer, Scripture, and the sacraments are living encounters with Jesus through which we get to know the wisdom of his heart. Still, we are faced with many distractions along the way. What distracts us? Like the rich man in our Gospel, are we distracted by wealth? Or does our desire for health or beauty keep us from the wisdom of God? Although countless temptations in our world can draw us away from pursuing God’s wisdom, if we remain close to God, we invite him to help us in our weakness. As Jesus assures his disciples in the Gospel, we can be confident in God’s help: “For human beings it is impossible, but not for God. All things are possible for God.” If we seek him and place our trust in him, our lives will begin to reflect his wisdom and communicate it to the world.

Like Solomon, we, too, can pray for wisdom. Read Scripture prayerfully, asking God to help you understand his Word and grant you the gift of wisdom. When you come across Scripture verses that are especially meaningful to you, write them out and put them in prominent places in your home. This will help you keep God’s word ever before you.