Livonia, Michigan

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

By the Faithful Disciple
Our world lays down rules for greatness: wealth, accomplishment in the performing arts, beauty, business acumen. Hmmm. I don’t recall hearing any of these attributes in the Scripture passages today. What I do remember is Jesus saying that whatever authority the disciples exercise must be rendered as service rather than for personal gain: “Whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant.” Jesus, as we heard in the second reading, can “sympathize with our weaknesses” and understands that, as humans, we may be tempted to seek power and authority. And yet Jesus calls us to service. Does our service have to be something spectacular that the world would deem “great”? I believe that God’s grace allows us to embrace the role of Christian servant in whatever way is most fitting for us, and that makes it great in God’s eyes.
On earth, we are told again and again the most powerful people are the toughest. Strength is measured by prestige and how many people serve you. Weakness will get you crushed. Jesus turns this message inside out and reminds us we must find strength in our weakness and use that strength to serve other people. Of course, being a servant to others may involve self-sacrifice and foregoing worldly cares and aspirations. But the more we take care of others, the happier we will be. Let us ask God to lift us up when we feel weak. As we heard in the second reading: “Confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and to find grace for timely help.” Continuing the work of Jesus here on earth can transform our corner of the world.
This week, ask the Holy Spirit to guide your family to help people in need. Prepare food for a soup kitchen, do yard work tasks for an elderly or ill neighbor, sign up to take the Eucharist to homebound parishioners in your parish, or offer tutoring services through a local school or library. Bring the gift of Jesus to others through your family’s service. God wants us to use the gifts he gave us to care for others and create his kingdom here on earth.