Hello Families,
In the Gospel this weekend, Jesus, at age 12, stayed behind in Jerusalem during Passover to discuss scripture with temple teachers, astounding many with his understanding, before returning home obediently.
Take Time to chat – What would it have been like for Mary and Joseph to realize that Jesus was missing? Why do you think Jesus called the temple “his Father’s house”? What is your favorite thing to do at church? Who is/ was your favorite teacher? Why is this teacher so special to you?
Liturgy Link – In what way is your church “your Father’s house”?
Family Fun – Create a Comic Book In today’s Gospel, we hear how Mary kept memories in her heart. Capture some of your favorite family stories in a creative way by designing a family comic book. Have each family member draw a different family story as if it were in a comic book. Share your stories with one another and assemble them in chronological order into a “book.” Keep the book until next year’s feast of the Holy Family!
Family Prayer – We bless your name, O Lord, for sending your own incarnate Son, to become part of a family, so that, as he lived its life, he would experience its worries and its joys. We ask you, Lord, to protect and watch over this family, so that in the strength of your grace its members may enjoy prosperity, possess the priceless gift of your peace, and, as the Church alive in the home, bear witness in this world to your glory. We ask this thought Christ our Lord. Amen. Family Challenge- Just as Mary did, reflect on the past year and share your most memorable family moment.
Fun Facts – The feast of the Holy Family was instituted to encourage Christian families to model the faithful love and devotion of the Holy Family. Although major feast days dedicated to each member of the Holy Family – Jesus, Mary, and Joseph – also exist, the Feast of the Holy Family commemorates their life together, and the celebration focuses on religious family life.
Partners in Faith,
Phyllis Chudzinski