Hello Families,
The tradition of giving gifts at Christmas is thought by some to be rooted in the gift giving of the Magi. In many cultures, gifts are not exchanged at Christmas, but rather on the feast of the Epiphany. Whenever you exchange your Christmas gifts, take some time to reflect on this tradition of gift giving at Christmas. Think of the best gift you have received. What was it? What made it special? Was it the gift itself, the thought that went into it, or the person who gave it to you? Read today’s Gospel, Matthew 2:1-12. The gifts of the Magi – gold, frankincense, and myrrh – have come to be understood as symbols of Christ’s royalty, divinity, and eventual suffering and death. They are special because in giving them, the Magi acknowledge who Jesus was to be: our Savior. We pray that we will acknowledge Jesus as Savior in all that we do and say. Conclude by singing together “We Three Kings.”
Family Fun – Star Gazing The star led the magi to Jesus. Gaze into the heavens and ponder the vastness and beauty of the universe that God created. Download a star gazing app (such as Sky View Lite or Star Chart) on each family member’s smartphone. Go outside as a family at nightfall and use the app to explore the night sky. Find the brightest star in the sky and imagine what it was like for the magi to journey to find Jesus. Invite one family member to re-read the Gospel story as you gaze upon the star.
Liturgy Link -The Magi came to honor Jesus. What are ways that we honor Jesus during Mass?
Enjoy your break, we will see everyone back on January 15th!
Phyllis Chudzinski