Livonia, Michigan

The Epiphany of the Lord

Deeply fatigued from their perilous journey, the three wise men must have been filled with doubt and hope in equal measure, wondering if the star would truly lead them to the promised King. “Is this really worth it?” they may have questioned. “Will we ever meet this child?” And then, in a single gaze, Christ broke into the world of humanity. In this perfect encounter with the Son of God, the wise men “prostrated themselves” and “opened their treasures” before him – in all his glory and all his innocence. We, on our earthly pilgrimage, may relate to feeling exhausted, full of both hope and heartache, as we wait and wonder where we will meet Jesus. Today, remember, he is here, among us. Waiting for our presence, waiting for our heart. Like today’s Scripture from Isaiah, the Magi must have experienced their hearts throbbing and overflowing with wonder and awe at the sight of their long-awaited King.

“Your light has come!” What thrilling words these must have been, proclaimed to a world that had been shrouded in darkness, eagerly – desperately – waiting for their God to save them. And not only has their light come; with it came a promise that this light would guide all nations. Yet this invitation to light, to freedom, also comes with a great responsibility. This light that came into the world isn’t just for us to follow; it is also for us to reflect to others. In today’s world, this may not involve leading flocks of sheep or strumming a 10-stringed lyre, but it does call us to live as radiant witnesses of Christ’s love, always singing his praise! Perhaps this means living joyfully despite our suffering. Maybe it looks like practicing generosity, when we feel like we have little left to give or remaining hopeful in a bleak situation. We are called to praise at all times, but it takes different forms in the different seasons of our life. Whatever season we find ourselves in, let us, like the Magi, seek the King, trusting in his promise and following his light.

Consider areas in your life where the Child Jesus is waiting to break in. Where does he long to heal you, comfort you, and bring you peace? Like the wise men, we are on a pilgrimage filled with hope – and at times, fear and restlessness. On this great feast, let us offer Jesus our treasure – our hearts – and, in return, he will give us the greatest gift of all: himself.

The Faithful Disciple