Livonia, Michigan

Posts by Doug Holliday (Page 29)

2023 Musical Nativity Narrative

All children 18 and under are invited to participate in this year’s musical Nativity narrative, which will be presented before the start of the 4 PM Christmas Eve Mass. We are in need of children who are willing to act, to narrate, to sing, and to play musical instruments. There are roles for children of…

Sodality News

Hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving Day with your loved ones. Now it is time to rest up and move on to the Advent Tea. It is a very nice and meaningful way to start the Christmas season. It is also a good way to do something for yourself. The registration is in the gathering…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families! In today’s Gospel, Jesus talks about the correlation between faithfulness and responsibilities. Family life provides many opportunities to illustrate this connection for children. As children prove themselves trustworthy, they can be trusted to take on greater responsibilities. Jesus teaches us in this parable that when we show ourselves to be trustworthy in small…

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

By the Faithful Disciple GROW AS A DISCIPLE When we think of gifts, we may picture a child eagerly ripping into wrapping paper on a birthday or at Christmas. Oh, the anticipation and the joy seen through a child’s eyes! In contemplating today’s Scriptures, it occurs to me that the gifts God has given to…

Knights of Columbus News

The Knights of Columbus Fr. Daniel A. Lord Council helped facilitate Beverly Dubes, a widowed Livonia resident, get a wheelchair ramp this fall. The ramp was designed, funded and built by Stephen Alward for his Eagle Scout Project. Stephen’s Boy Scout Troop 271 is out of St. Micheal’s Church. Bev is very appreciative of her…

Prayer for Priestly Vocations

Heavenly Father, Lord of the Harvest, call forth vocations to the priesthood from our archdiocese and families. Jesus, Eternal High Priest, give us men willing to sacrifice and serve. Make their hearts after your own Sacred Heart. Holy Spirit, Everlasting Love between the Father and Son, strengthen, inspire, and set men on fire with divine…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families! In the daily activities of family life, we can easily find excuses for not attending to our spiritual lives. If not given top priority, prayer and reading Scripture risk becoming occasional activities rather than daily practices. In today’s Gospel, Jesus reminds us that if we fail to give our spiritual life priority, we…