Livonia, Michigan

Posts by Doug Holliday (Page 45)

Annual Giving Tree

Tags for the giving tree will be going up on the walls in the backof the church starting November 26th. Please take on and help someone in need this Christmas. please bring your gift back unwrapped and place it by the giving tree. A box will be available for gift cards. Thank You!

The Advent Wreath

Traditionally, Advent wreaths are constructed of a circle of evergreen branches into which four candles are inserted, representing the four weeks of Advent. Ideally, three candles are purple, and one is rose, but white candles can also be used. The purple candles in particular symbolize the prayer, penance, and preparatory sacrifices and goods works undertaken…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families! I want to thank Mike Chamberland from Bold Ministries for the wonderful retreat he presented to our Confirmandi and their parents. It was a wonderful experience for us all. This weekend the Faith Formation is launching our 2 big fund raisers to help assist in our special programing events. There are gift card…

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

Happy New Liturgical Year… This first Sunday of Advent is the beginning of a new liturgical year. It is also the year of Matthew’s Gospel, when the worldwide church will hear passages each Sunday from this great Gospel. Advent is a beautiful season that leads us to the feast of Christmas. A key word for…

Faith Formation News

Hello families and parishioners, please continue to pray for our Faith Formation program and our sacramental classes. In today’s Gospel, we read Luke’s account of Jesus’ Passion. Jesus is not like a ruler on earth. He loves us so much that He died on the Cross for our sins. Jesus invites us to live in…

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

The Solemnity of Christ the King Who needs a king, especially in America, the land of the free and the home of the brave? After all, didn’t you fight the Revolutionary War to get away from the King of England and all that he represented? So, who needs a king anyway? We certainly do not…

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

Reflection for the Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time I would like to begin my reflection for this weekend with the real question of the believers at the end of the first century: “Now that many of these things have happened and we are being persecuted, what should we do?” Luke reminds them of Jesus’ assurance…