Livonia, Michigan

Posts by Doug Holliday (Page 46)

A Letter from Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron

November 9, 2022 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, We awake today to the news that Proposal 3 has passed, altering our state constitution to allow for unregulated and unsafe abortion on-demand in Michigan. As people of faith who witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ and His teachings, we are deeply saddened by…

An Election Prayer to Mary

O Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy, at this most critical time, we entrust the United States of America to your loving care. Most Holy Mother, we beg you to reclaim this land for the glory of your Son. Overwhelmed with the burden of the sins of our nation, we cry to you from…

Sodality News

Sodality members and all women of the parish are invited to the Women’s Sodality meeting Monday November 7th where we will be having a Livonia Police department officer speak on ID theft/IRS scams. The doors open at 6:45 with the meeting starting at 7:00 pm in the Activity Center. So much of these types of…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families! On Sunday we have our Confirmation Rite of Enrollment. We have 7 eighth graders preparing for Confirmation this spring. Please keep them in your prayers as they commit to this part of their faith journey. The Sadducees in today’s Gospel challenges Jesus to take a stand on resurrection, a concept they don’t accept.…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families! We had a great time at our All-Saint’s party last Wednesday evening. The older students worked hard on their presentations and the elementary grades tried to stump us with their “Bible Guess Who”? masks and clues. Thank you to the parents who came to share this event with us, we appreciate your support. If…

St. Vincent de Paul Thanksgiving Dinner Drive

Our parish St. Vincent de Paul Sociiet will be prividing a mimited number of Thanksgiving Dinner boxes to families in need within our parish boundaries. Please call 734-237-4793 ASAP if you know of anyone in real need. WE ARE IN NEED OF: Applesauce (small jars) Canned fruit (peaches & pineapple) Cranberry sauce (whole & jellied)…

Vote “NO” on Proposal 3

“If passed, this proposal would transform Michigan into ground zero for abortions performed, anywhere, at any time, by any person, for any reason.” Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron Proposal 3 Would Result In: Taxpayer-funded abortion Legalized partial-birth abortion Unregulated and unsafe abortion clinics Abortions performed by unqualified individuals No parental consent or informed consent, and more