Livonia, Michigan

Posts by Doug Holliday (Page 6)

Sodality News

Thanks to all who helped make the Bake Sale a success. It took several people to help set up, price items, sell on Sat. & Sun., clean up and of course, bake the delicious variety of items that were brought into the Activities Center. A special thanks also goes to Judi Fanco for chairing the…

St. Vincent de Paul Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Drive

Our parish St. Vincent de paul Society will be providing Thanksgiving dinner boxes to families in need within our parish boundaries. Please call 734-237-4793 ASAP if you know of anyone in real need. WE ARE IN NEED OF: Applesauce (small jars) Canned fruit (peaches & pineapple) Cranberry sauce (whole & jellied) Cream of mushroom soup…

Faith Formation News

Hello families, The classes have been working hard on their saint presentations. This Wednesday all families are invited to enjoy a hotdog and chips while watching the class presentations. It should be a very enjoyable evening. We will serve dinner at 6:15 pm. Today’s Gospel offers us a powerful example of faith and persistence in…

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

By the Faithful Disciple GROW AS A DISCIPLE Although today’s Gospel recounts the healing of Bartimaeus’ physical blindness, the story is a summons for each of us to be healed of our spiritual blindness. Spiritual blindness, an effect of sin, clouds our ability to perceive who we are and who God is. Paradoxically, Bartimaeus’ spiritual…

Faith Formation News

Hello families, The classes are talking about different saints and preparing presentations for later this month. If you are new to our parish or know a student who should be in our program, please contact the Faith Formation office. Our sacramental programs require a two-year commitment. Take Time to Chat: Do you think it was…

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

By the Faithful Disciple GROW AS A DISCIPLE Our world lays down rules for greatness: wealth, accomplishment in the performing arts, beauty, business acumen. Hmmm. I don’t recall hearing any of these attributes in the Scripture passages today. What I do remember is Jesus saying that whatever authority the disciples exercise must be rendered as…

Church Heating

The heating system in the Church is not functioning properly, it should be repaired by then end of next week. Please dress warmly when coming to the church for Mass until the problem has been resolved!