Livonia, Michigan

Posts by Doug Holliday (Page 72)

Faith Formation News

Faith Formation Families, Our catechetical year has ended, please submit any outstanding assignments so we can record them. (Though 8th grade will still be having class in preparation for their upcoming Confirmation.) If you are turning in the work in the magazines themselves, please drop them off at the Faith Formation office or at the…

From Fr. Tom

Happy Ascension of our Lord to you all! One day Leonardo da Vinci started to work on a large picture in his studio. For a while he worked at it – choosing the subject, planning the perspective, sketching the outline, applying the colors, with his own unique genius. Then suddenly he stopped working on it. Summoning one of his students, the master…

Faith Formation News

Dear Faith Formation Families, Our catechetical year has ended with this weekend’s Gospel Weeklies. (Though 8th grade will still be having class in preparation for their upcoming Confirmation.) Please submit any outstanding assignments you may have. If you are turning in the work in the magazines themselves, please drop them off at the Faith Formation…

From Fr. Tom

“Love one another” Today, on this 6th Sunday of Easter, as we hear Jesus’ words about love, I would like to propose three things for us to reflect on that Jesus’ statement, as suggested also by Bishop Socrates Villegas in his homily book, Jesus in my Heart. First it is a command. It is not an invitation, a request or an option…

Women’s Sodality News

You might have heard this before but it’s always worth reading again. A baby asked God, “They are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?” God said, “Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you.” The child further inquired,…

Faith Formation News

Dear Faith Formation Families, Our catechetical year is quickly ending, please keep up with your assignments, don’t lose your momentum! You are all doing great!! Look for news about VBS coming the week of June 21st – 25th. Vacation Bible School Week is a perfect opportunity for service hours for incoming 7th and 8th graders!…

From Fr. Tom

Dear parishioners! Somebody once compared a Christian to a basketball player. “To be a good player,” he said, “it’s not enough that you know how to dribble or avoid getting fouls. What matters most is to be able to shoot, to make points, and to be productive.” The great St. Thomas Aquinas said that we are, by nature, religious beings. We come…