This is that time of year again when our choir is starting to prepare for Lent and Holy Week. I agree with Fr. Tom when he said that this is his favorite time of year; it has always been mine too. A time to draw closer to Jesus. So, I am pleased to offer you…
Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger, currently Bishop of the Diocese of Tucson, as the sixth Archbishop of Detroit. The archbishop elect succeeds Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron, who has served the archdiocese since 2009. The new archbishop will be installed at a ceremony at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 2:00…
St. Genevieve-St. Maurice Parish has reached our goal for the 2024 Catholic Services Appeal! Thank you to the all the parishioners who have made gifts and pledges. If you are still prayerfully considering your CSA pledge, please know that our parish will now receive 100 percent of the gifts we receive.
Dear Families, Please continue to pray for our Faith Formation program and especially our sacramental students. Today’s Gospel offers a contrast to many of the messages we hear in our society today. If we were to accept uncritically the “get ahead” messages of our culture, we would think that happiness means having money, being successful,…
GROW AS A DISCIPLE “It is so good to be poor, to have nothing, to await all from God!” These sentiments of the humble French religious sister St. Jeanne Jugan sum up the spirit of Jesus’ words in today’s Gospel. Jesus praises poverty, hunger, sadness, and rejection, but certainly not as ends in themselves; God…
Dear Families, Please continue to pray for our Faith Formation program and especially our sacramental students. Take Time to Chat – Jesus tells Peter to put the boat into deep water and lower the nets, even though he has been fishing all night and caught nothing. What do you think Jesus was trying to teach…
GROW AS A DISCIPLE “Woe is me; I am doomed!” “I am the least of the apostles, not fit to be called an apostle.” “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.” Do you notice a theme today? Each of these lines – taken from our readings – reveals the humbling reality that…