Our Christmas Giving Tree is located in the back of the church (near the Holy water font). In lieu of a wrapped Christmas gift, we are asking you to make a donation of money or gift card. Please know that your contribution will help to provide what is most needed thought the year for your…
What is the Changing Lives Together Initiative and what are it’s goals? Changing Lives Together is about creating a stronger future for the Catholic Church in The Archdiocese of Detroit and our collective ability to do God’s work. By working together to achieve this shared mission and by combining our time, talent, and treasure, we…
Thank you for your contributions to the Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD)! Your generous gifts will help CCHD end poverty in America through better education, improved housing, and economic development. Through CCHD and its beneficiaries, we manifest Catholic social teaching and carry out Jesus’ mission to “bring glad tidings to the…
Confirmation meeting: Wednesday, November 14th at 7:00 pm. This meeting is for all 8th graders, and their parent(s). Sponsors are welcome to attend. Heroes of God Media Club pamphlets were sent home with all school and faith formation students on October 24th. Additional pamphlets for orders are available from the religious ed. office or may be found in the Gathering Area in…
Let the tradition continue, come and be a part of our Annual Women’s Sodality Advent Tea on December 8th from 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm in the Activities Center. It will be an awesome time of great fellowship, great food, great music, and of course a great program. A very special way to prepare for…
Congratulations Deacon David Carignan! On your Ordination to the permanent Diaconate (October 6, 2012) “I have been made a servant of the Church by God, who game me this task to perform…” Colossians 1:25
If you need to register your child, please contact the Faith Formation office at 734-261-5920. A message may be left on ext. 400 or ext 401. Thank you. Our parish is indeed very blessed with volunteers in the Faith Formation department! Our returning volunteers and catechists and assistants: Ann Brumar, Laura Hattar, Darlene Jasinski, Sherry Luszcz, Alyssa Mazur, Mark Mazur, Mike McCauley,…