We had a beautiful day for our children receiving First Communion last Sunday at the 11 am Mass. Congratulations and God’s blessings to Jackson Bauer, Kira Deighton, Stanley Gonthier, Eliana Grisius, Craig Gross, Landon Haddad Noah Hallis, Natalie Kerr, Dominic Loftis, Ivan Ortega, David Santa, and Gavin Wolowski. Their catechist, Mrs. Barb Janeczko, did a…
Happy Corpus Christi! The last two precious gifts given to us by Jesus are the Holy Eucharist as our spiritual food on Holy Thursday and Jesus’ mother Mary as our spiritual mother on Good Friday. Corpus Christi reminds us of the abiding presence of our loving God as Emmanuel (God with us), which is celebrated…
I would like to give a sincere and heartfelt “Thank You” to Livonia Save Our Youth Coalition. LSOY has graciously funded and is sponsoring our upcoming Vacation Bible School – FOOD TRUCK PARTY On a Roll with God! The Livonia save Our Youth Coalition has also funded our Confirmation reception and we are working together…
There is a very old and much-repeated story about St. Augustine, one of the intellectual giants of the Church. He was walking by the seashore one day, attempting to conceive of an intelligible explanation for the mystery of the Trinity. As he walked along, he saw a small boy on the beach, pouring seawater from…
Who will be our new Angel for the next year? Join us on Monday June 6th and find out. The Angel Dinner will be at Steve’s Family Restaurant on Middlebelt in Livonia. Spouses or significant others are welcome. The date is June 6th at 5:30 pm with dinner being served at 6:00 pm. Dinners are…
In today’s Gospel, Jesus appears to his disciples and gives them the gift of the Holy Spirit. Younger children are learning how to be a good friend to others. As Christians, we are called to be agents of peace and forgiveness. We have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit to help us. Pentecost…
Pentecost literally means 50th. It is a feast celebrated on the 50th day after the Passover feast by the Jews and a feast celebrated on the 50th day after the feast of the Resurrection of Jesus by Christians. What did really happen on the day of Pentecost: the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles and…