Livonia, Michigan

Church News (Page 64)

From Fr. Tom

Happy Fourth and last Sunday of Advent! Today’s readings remind us that Jesus is reborn every day in ordinary people living ordinary lives, who have the willingness to respond to God’s call and the openness to do God’s will. They suggest that Christmas should inspire us to carry out God’s word as Mary, in perfect, loving obedience to His will, with cheerful…

Christmas Mass Schedule

Vigil of the Nativity of the Lord   Friday, December 24th  4 pm Mass The Nativity of the Lord    Saturday, December 25th  12 am Midnight Mass  &   10 am Christmas Day Mass   (No 5 pm Mass) Sunday, December 26th   9 am & 11 am Mass New Year’s Eve   Friday, December 31st  4 pm Mass with…

Faith Formation News

Hello families, As we enter into our third week of Advent please join us at the beginning of each session for our Advent prayer and an Advent story. Today is Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete means “rejoice”. As you light the rose-colored candle on your Advent wreath, we are reminded to rejoice as Jesus will soon be…

From Fr. Tom

Welcome to the Third Sunday of Advent. Today is called “Gaudete” Sunday because today’s Mass begins with the Entrance Antiphon, “Gaudete in Domino semper” (“Rejoice in the Lord always”). Today we light the rose candle of the Advent wreath, and the priest may wear rose vestments to express our communal joy in the coming of Jesus as our Savior. The theme of…

From Fr. Tom

Welcome to the Second Sunday of Advent!  The Advent season challenges us to prepare for the celebration of Jesus’ first coming. We are also to prepare for Christ’s present “coming” to us in God’s Word, in the Eucharist, in our neighbors, in the Christian community, and in our souls. Finally, we are asked to be ready to meet Christ as our Judge…

Help Decorate Our Christmas Tree!

All children of our parish are invited to help decorate our Christmas trees in the sanctuary and in the Gathering Area. Please take a Styrofoam ball from the basket in the Gathering Area. Bring it home and decorate it with sequins, fabric, buttons, use your imagination! Please return your decorated ornament no later than December…

Christmas Pageant

All children 1st grade and up are invited to take part in acting out the Christmas story, the Gospel at the 4 pm Christmas Mass. We will need angels, shepherds, wise men and the Holy Family. There will be 2 practices: Sunday, December 12th – immediately after the 11 am Mass in Church Sunday, December…