Hopefully, your week was blessed! Today’s gospel has two parables: The Seed growing by itself and sowing the Mustard Seed. These parables point to what the Kingdom of God is becoming. In other words, how God’s kingdom will grow. When Jesus said, “…and the seed would sprout and grow…”, His message is clear The Kingdom of God, even if it requires…
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Corpus Christi is the celebration of the abiding presence of a loving God as Emmanuel – God with us – in order to give collective thanks to our Lord for his living with us in the Eucharist. This feast also gives us an occasion to learn more about the importance and value of the…
Happy Holy Trinity Sunday! The mystery of the most Holy Trinity, the feast that we celebrate this weekend, is one of the basic doctrines of Faith in Christianity, understandable not through our heads but through our hearts. It teaches us that there are three distinct Persons in one God all sharing the same Divine Nature. Our minds cannot grasp this doctrine. St.…
Dear Faith Formation Families, Our catechetical year has ended, please submit any outstanding assignments so we can record them. If you are turning in the work in the magazines themselves, please drop them off at the Faith Formation office or at the rectory office. It was an unusual year to say the least. I want…
Happy Pentecost to all of you! The season of Easter concludes with today’s celebration, the feast of Pentecost. On Pentecost we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles gathered in the upper room in Jerusalem; this event marks the beginning of the Church. The story of Pentecost is found in the Acts of the Apostles, today’s first reading. The…
COVID-19 Response and Reccomendations – Archdiocese of Detroit (aod.org)
St. Genevieve-St. Maurice Vacation Bible School Join us for an Olympic themed vacation bible school as we follow in the footsteps of the first torchbearer, St. Paul, and take the gospel out to the nations! June 21-25, 2021 9am-12 pm Spots are limited, register now! https://stgenevieve-stmaurice.org/parish/faith-formation/