Livonia, Michigan

Church News (Page 74)

From Fr. Tom

Hopefully you had a blessed week filled with many signs of God’s love and His presence. Keep your eyes open, He is alive and always present in your life! On this third Sunday of Easter, we continue to hear Gospel accounts of Jesus’ appearances to his disciples following his Resurrection. Today’s reading, taken from the Gospel of Luke, follows immediately after the…

Faith Formation News

Dear Faith Formation Families, Blessings and Easter joy to all! As we emerge from the darkest days of the pandemic, may we all renew our belief in the enduring promise of Christ’s Resurrection. A big “Thank you” to our families that participated in our Holy Thursday Service, and the processional for Palm Sunday. You made…

From Fr. Tom

Jesus, I trust in You!!! Ninety years ago, in Poland, Jesus revealed himself to a young polish nun, Sister Faustina Kowalska. Jesus personally asked her to tell people about God’s Mercy, and about God’s unconditional love for us. Jesus taught her a beautiful prayer – The Divine Mercy Chaplet. He asked for the special feast of The Divine Mercy –the feast that…

Faith Formation News

Hello Faith Formation families, Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter and begins Holy Week. It is the day that we remember and celebrate Jesus entering Jerusalem as Savior and King. Let us enter this week with holiness and take advantage of the prayer opportunities our parish offers this week. In your Faith Formation packet…

From Fr. Tom

Welcome to Holy Week!!! This Palm Sunday begins Holy Week when we will accompany Jesus on his way to Calvary where He will die, once again, for us and for our sins. And this road will lead us to the glory of His resurrection. These upcoming days, especially Holy Thursday, Good Fri-day, Easter Vigil and Easter itself are special days for us…

Faith Formation News

Hello Faith Formation families, Check the bulletin for Lenten prayer opportunities you can do as a family, especially Friday evenings Stations of the Cross. Last Friday our 7th graders did an awesome job reading the Stations of the Cross! Allison Malinowski and Cole Morton were supported by their classmates as they read each station and…

From Fr. Tom

Welcome to the 5th Sunday of lent! Isn’t our Lenten journey fascinating and joyful!? But what is more fascinating is that we have only two more weeks until the Easter celebration! Please continue our desert journey with Jesus, pray, fast and love and we’ll be blessed with the most beautiful Easter ever! Today’s Gospel teaches us that new life and eternal life…