On Thanksgiving, we give thanks to the people in our lives, our health and wellness, the food on our table, and to our life and everything in it. We have so many things to be thankful for, and it felt wonderful to be able to give back during such a meaningful time of the year.…
My dear St. Genevieve – St. Maurice friends, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued prayers, loving cards, and heartfelt notes. Each day I open the mail, my spirits are lifted when I am constantly reminded how many people are praying for me and our family. You are a gift. Thank…
Hopefully, the beginning of Advent 2020 has been blessed for you. How is your life is different during this time? Did you make any Advent’s resolutions? Do you follow them? Is your individual and family life focused more on Jesus and on His coming in the mystery of His Incarnation? Are you making straight your paths to know Jesus better? Are you…
The St. Genevieve-St. Maurice Council of the St. Vincent DePaul Society is inviting parishioners to participate in our “Giving Tree” Christmas gift program for our Neighbors in Need. Ornaments listing needed gifts are available at the rear of the Church and parishioners are encouraged to limit handling ornaments before making their selections while practicing social…
My dear friends and parishioners, I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude and thanks for all the ways you are loving and caring for my family and I during this difficult time. Truly, thank you is not even enough. I am overwhelmed with deep thanks and gratitude. I wish I could…
Welcome to Advent 2020! I love Advent. I think it’s my favorite church season. I love lighting the purple and pink candles, I love the advent calendars, and I love the preparations for Christmas. Advent is our time of waiting for the Lord, a special time of hoping for God’s presence, healing, and peace. It’s a time of hope! Somebody told me…
Our eighth-grade sacramental class attended 5 pm Mass on Saturday, November 14th for their Confirmation Rite of Enrollment. They received their Youth Study Bibles and committed themselves to continue learning about their faith in preparation for their Confirmation. Please keep these children as well as our First Communicants and Confirmation prep classes in your prayers.…