Livonia, Michigan

Church News (Page 82)

Open Door Policy Podcasts

Click Here Open Door Policy is a podcast hosted by Fr. Steve Pullis, Director of Evangelization, Catechesis and Schools for the Archdiocese of Detroit, and Danielle Center, a parishioner at St. Augustine and St. Monica Parish. In each episode, Fr. Steve and Danielle talk with guests from across the Archdiocese of Detroit who are living…

News in the Youth Ministry World

This is not the Lent and Easter any of us expected.  However, God is offering us a special grace during this unknown time.  I am grateful to be living in a world where we have so many technological advances.  During this time of quarantine and social distancing our high school teens and I have come…

Holy Week, Easter and Spiritual Closeness

Let us use this difficult time of social distance and worldwide pandemic to grow in spiritual closeness as individuals, families, and a global faith community.  Find more resources on the website Public Masses are still suspended during this time, but check for live-stream Mass times. The families of St. Genevieve-St. Maurice remain close…

To the faithful of the Archdiocese of Detroit

March 23, 2020 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As citizens of Michigan, we join with our neighbors in observing measures to address the spread of COVID-19. As we continue to practice social distancing to limit the virus’ spread, our response as the Body of Christ must always begin in faith. We believe Jesus is…

Church Open Times for Personal Prayer

The church handicapped door will be unlocked during the periods of Sunday Masses and during the week from about 8 am – 3 pm. We have confirmed our order of Palms and we will let everyone know how they will be made available. We will also continue to put out the bulletin with pertinent information,…