Livonia, Michigan

Church News (Page 92)

Faith Formation News

The Faith Formation office would love to have you join our team of catechists for the 2019-2020 school year.  We need Catechists for our Saturday/Sunday Liturgies, and grades three, four and five.  All supplies and instruction will be provided.  All that is needed is a desire to share your faith with the children of our…

Thank you from St. Vincent de Paul

CLOTHING DRIVE SUPPORT Mother Teresa when speaking of the need to give stated “At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by I was hungry, and you gave me…

Unleash the Gospel – “Sent on Mission”

During the Pentecost Vigil on June 8, Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron announced Sent on Mission, the next phase of Unleash the Gospel. This phase focuses on the renewal of our parish communities so they become what God intended them to be: places where individuals and families encounter Jesus anew, grow as his disciples and are…

Faith Formation News

Hello Parishioners! We had an awesome week at Crocodile Dock, this year’s Vacation Bible School! We had crafts, games, snacks and music, all centered around our daily bible story. We learned about God’s protection and great love for us. Thank you to our amazing adult and teen helpers! Our school year is fast approaching and…

New Unleash the Gospel Website

Do you feel God calling you to go deeper?  To encounter Jesus and let your heart be captured by him? To be in relationship with Jesus and alignment with his will the central guiding principle of every aspect of your life? The new website provides inspiration and resources to encounter Jesus anew, grow daily…