Livonia, Michigan

AOD (Page 5)

Influenza and the Liturgy

The flu season is upon us once more and some of our parishioners are very concerned about the spread of germs especially from some of the liturgical practices at Mass.  Hopefully the following suggestions will help with these concerns. DURING LITURGY Priests, Deacons and all liturgical ministers should carefully wash their hands and/or use a…

The next phase of Unleash the Gospel

Catholic Foundation of Michigan We are working on a partnership with the Catholic Foundation of Michigan, which is an independent nonprofit lay-led community foundation,  created  to  support  the  good  works  in  southeast Michigan primarily at our parishes, schools and other ministries.  The goal of this partnership is to ensure funds are protected and stewarded according…

Unleash the Gospel – “Sent on Mission”

During the Pentecost Vigil on June 8, Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron announced Sent on Mission, the next phase of Unleash the Gospel. This phase focuses on the renewal of our parish communities so they become what God intended them to be: places where individuals and families encounter Jesus anew, grow as his disciples and are…