Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation (Page 14)

Faith Formation News

Hello families! Our second-grade class celebrated their First Communion last Sunday at the 11 am Mass. We had a beautiful day. Thank you to all of the parents for their support and to the parents who read and participated in the Mass. The children were given Forget-Me-Not plants as a remembrance of their special day.…

Faith Formation News

Hello families! We held our last class together this past Wednesday with a May Crowning featuring our First Communion students who received Jesus for the first time this weekend, 5/7/23 at the 11 am Mass. All the catechists and staff wish everyone a blessed and safe summer! We look forward to seeing you in September…

Faith Formation News

Hello families! Even though we have less experience with sheep and shepherds today in our society, we can still identify strongly with the image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd and as the gate for the sheep. Psalm 23 remains a popular and favorite psalm for prayer. In the image of the Good Shepherd, we…

Faith Formation News

Hello families! As the domestic church, we have the opportunity to make the family meal a time of prayerful encounter with one another and with Jesus. At a family meal we share our experiences of the day and connect them with the experiences of others in the family. We can also enjoy the meal as…

Faith Formation News

Hello families! Many of us can relate to Thomas’s response to the news that the disciples had seen Jesus. We want to see for ourselves too, but we grow in faith, trusting the experience and knowledge of others. Many of us have heard the saying “Seeing is believing.” As your family gathers, take some time…

Faith Formation News

Happy Easter families! Easter celebrates the core of Christian faith: that God raised Jesus, who was crucified, from the dead. The promise of Jesus is that all who believe in Him will be raised up. The act of raising Jesus from the dead reveals most ultimately who God is – the one who gives life.…

Faith Formation News

Hello families! Palm, or Passion, Sunday begins the most sacred week of the Church year – Holy Week. During these days, we prepare ourselves for Easter by prayerful reflection upon the events of Jesus’ Passion and death. You might display a crucifix in a prominent place this week, as reminder of the salvation Christ won…