Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation (Page 18)

Faith Formation News

Why do we celebrate Catechetical Sunday? The mission of the church reflects the mission of Jesus to teach, preach, heal, and forgive. Through these acts, Jesus shares the good news of salvation and invites all people to share in the life and love of God. The church continues this mission in all its ministries, but…

Faith Formation News

Our Faith Formation classes begin on Wednesday September 21st with a prayer service, catechist introduction followed by a parent meeting. There should be at least one parent in attendance. Registration forms are available in the back of church or on our parish website. Please invite anyone you know to our Faith Formation classes. We look…

Faith Formation News

“And these words which I command you this day shall be upon your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise.” (Deuteronomy 6:6-9) Families are a…

Faith Formation News

What is/Why Faith Formation? (adapted from Gregory Rawn’s Article “the 7 Facets of Faith Formation”) The term “Faith Formation” is sometimes used as a synonym for Christian education classes (which many still call CCD). Education is a critical part of forming the faith of all disciples. To have our faith and life formed by God’s…

Faith Formation News

Have you been spending part of your summer hearing the call from God and our Faith Formation Office to join our team? We would love to have you as a catechist or aide as we assist our parish parents in the faith journey of their children. Please pray about it and call the Faith Formation…

Faith Formation News

The 2 years of COVID has certainly taken its toll on every area of our lives including our children’s faith journey and attendance at Faith Formation classes. Please remember that the Faith Formation program is very much like an academic school program in that each year builds on the previous year’s learning. It is important…

Faith Formation News

The COVID situation continues to take its toll on every area of our lives including our children’s faith journey and attendance at Faith Formation classes. Please remember that our Faith Formation program is very much like an academic school program in that each year builds on the previous year’s learning. It is important to continue…