Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation (Page 19)

Faith Formation News

In our families and homes, we have boundaries. Some are geographical; we may have our own room or part of a room that we want others to stay out of. Parents may have home offices that are off-limits to children. Some boundaries are behavioral; children may speak one way to their friends, but they are…

Faith Formation News

We ended our VBS Food Truck Party “On a Roll with God” with a delicious lunch from Keaik’s Food Truck! The food was amazing! I want to thank all of our adult volunteers; Loretta Gelhaus, Jan Belleperche, Suezane Canfield, Linda Morasso, Karen Bonanno, Rick Fanco and Tori Holliday, and our middle school/teen volunteers; Ava, Gino,…

Faith Formation News

We had a beautiful day for our children receiving First Communion last Sunday at the 11 am Mass. Congratulations and God’s blessings to Jackson Bauer, Kira Deighton, Stanley Gonthier, Eliana Grisius, Craig Gross, Landon Haddad Noah Hallis, Natalie Kerr, Dominic Loftis, Ivan Ortega, David Santa, and Gavin Wolowski. Their catechist, Mrs. Barb Janeczko, did a…

Faith Formation News

I would like to give a sincere and heartfelt “Thank You” to Livonia Save Our Youth Coalition. LSOY has graciously funded and is sponsoring our upcoming Vacation Bible School – FOOD TRUCK PARTY On a Roll with God! The Livonia save Our Youth Coalition has also funded our Confirmation reception and we are working together…

Faith Formation News

In today’s Gospel, Jesus appears to his disciples and gives them the gift of the Holy Spirit. Younger children are learning how to be a good friend to others. As Christians, we are called to be agents of peace and forgiveness. We have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit to help us. Pentecost…

Faith Formation News

Please continue to pray for our sacramental students. Our 8th graders will be receiving Confirmation on Tuesday June 7th at 7 pm Mass. They have been studying and preparing for their sacraments with great faith and enthusiasm. Christ’s Ascension is a source of great hope for Christians. In the Nicene Creed, we profess our belief…

Faith Formation News

Please continue to pray for our sacramental students. They have been studying and preparing for their sacraments with great faith and enthusiasm. We honored Mary with a May Crowning on our last day of class. Thank you to Charlotte, Eliana and Stanley for representing our sacramental classes! In today’s Gospel, Jesus wants us to love…