Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation (Page 23)

Faith Formation News

Hello families, As we enter into our third week of Advent please join us at the beginning of each session for our Advent prayer and an Advent story. Today is Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete means “rejoice”. As you light the rose-colored candle on your Advent wreath, we are reminded to rejoice as Jesus will soon be…

Faith Formation News

Hello families. Last Saturday we had our Communion Rite of Enrollment and Saturday, November 13th was our Confirmation Rite of Enrollment. The Rite of Enrollment is a ceremony in which first Communicants and Confirmation Candidates make their official commitment to the sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation. Prior to the Rite of Enrollment, the communicants…

Faith Formation News

Hello families. You are invited to our All Saints Party this Wednesday, November 3rd. We will gather for a prayer service and then have various activities and crafts for the children to enjoy. Please talk about which saints are important to your family. The students will be able to dress up or carry with them…

Faith Formation News

Hello families, We are off to an exciting start to our Faith Formation classes! This month we will be talking about the saints and how they can intercede in our lives. Our program continues to grow, we are welcoming new families every week. It is not too late to join us. Registration forms can be…

Faith Formation News

We had our first session of Faith Formation classes on September 22, 2021. Our faith journey with Jesus is a lifelong personal commitment. The Faith Formation program is very much like an academic school year program in that each year builds on the previous year’s learning. It is important to continue this faith journey each…

St. Genevieve-St. Maurice Faith Formation Grades K-8

Catechetical Sunday This year, the Archdiocese of Detroit will celebrate Catechetical Sunday on September 19, 2021, with the theme “Disciples of Jesus: Witnesses to the Gospel”. On this special day, catechists are formally commissioned for ministry to our parish community to pass on the Catholic Faith to our families. Today we celebrate our catechists’ response…

Faith Formation News

We will begin our first session of Faith Formation classes on September 22, 2021 at 5:30 pm in the Activities Center for a prayer service and an introduction to our catechists followed by a parent meeting. Registrations can be completed at the end of the meeting. Our faith journey with Jesus is a lifelong personal…