Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation (Page 26)

Faith Formation News

February 13th and 14th, 2021 Hello Faith Formation families, Ash Wednesday is this Wednesday, February 17th. This day marks the start of Lent. The forty-day period symbolizes the time Jesus spent in the desert before he began his ministry. Lent comes from the Old English word Lencten, which means “spring”. Attend Mass to receive ashes…

Faith Formation News

February 6th and 7th, 2021 Hello Faith Formation families, Lent will begin in two weeks. Please check your family pack-et for your Lenten calendar and have your children begin to color the “ALLELUIA” and bury it the decorated Pringles can. I will email home a simple prayer service you can do as a family. Beginning…

Faith Formation News

January 23rd and 24th, 2021 Hello Faith Formation families, Last Sunday, January 17th, we began our next 8-week unit. If you were unable to pick up your family packet in the Gathering Area last weekend after Mass, please call the Faith Formation office to arrange a pickup time. These materials cover the next 8-weeks, including…

Faith Formation News

Hello Faith Formation families, Sunday, January 17th we begin another 8-week unit. With COVID, as you have all experienced, the mail is not what it used to be. I am happy to announce we have received shipment of our Gospel Weeklies! You can pick up your family packet in the Gathering Area this weekend after…

Faith Formation News

January 9th and 10th, 2021 Hello Faith Formation families, We are well into 2021 and as busy as ever! Next Sunday, January 17th, we will be starting another 8-week unit. With COVID, as you have all experienced, the mail is not what it used to be. As of Monday, of this past week I still…

Faith Formation News

Our eighth-grade sacramental class attended 5 pm Mass on Saturday, November 14th for their Confirmation Rite of Enrollment. They received their Youth Study Bibles and committed themselves to continue learning about their faith in preparation for their Confirmation. Please keep these children as well as our First Communicants and Confirmation prep classes in your prayers.…