Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation (Page 6)

Faith Formation News

Hello everyone! We are preparing for our “Scuba” themed Vacation Bible School the week of June 24th-28th. If you are interested in being a volunteer, please contact the Faith Formation office at 734-261-5920 or We will be starting to meet with our volunteers in a couple of weeks. We look forward to seeing you…

Faith Formation News

Dear Parents, We had our last Faith Formation class on May 8th. We tried some new things this year involving the families more in our faith formation classes. I look forward to seeing everyone next year for more faith filled activities! I want to especially thank the 8th grade parents who stood behind their child’s…

Faith Formation News

Dear Parents, I would like to say a special “thank you” to our First communion catechist, Mrs. Barb Janezcko, who did a wonderful job inspiring and getting our students ready for their First Holy Communion last Sunday. And to Mrs. Mary Dudek who grows the Forget-Me-Not flowers in her garden that are given to the…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families, Today we give thanks for our second graders who received Jesus for the first time at the 11 am Mass with their families; Benjamin Bauer, Kenneth Gonthier, Oliver Grisius, Bradley Hatch, Hailee Miller, Maverick Murray, Sadie Nichols, Samuel Whitefoot, and Jace York. We pray that the gift of the Eucharist will draw them…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families, Take Time to Chat – What happens to a branch when it is cut off a vine? What is Jesus trying to teach us through this analogy? In what way does the story of the vine and the branches describe your relationship with Jesus? Jesus says, “If you remain in me and my…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families, The Good Shepherd makes sacrifices for the sheep not because it is required, but because it is a choice. That sounds a lot like parenting and the dynamics of a healthy family life. Parents choose to make sacrifices for their children out of love, not obligation. Christian parents model and invite their children…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families, In today’s Gospel story, Jesus asked his disciples why they were troubled. Why do you think they were troubled? Share a time when you went to Jesus when you were troubled. Why did Jesus ask the disciples to look at his hands and his feet? Share a time when you had difficulty believing…