Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation (Page 6)

Faith Formation News

Hello Families, Take Time to Chat – What happens to a branch when it is cut off a vine? What is Jesus trying to teach us through this analogy? In what way does the story of the vine and the branches describe your relationship with Jesus? Jesus says, “If you remain in me and my…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families, The Good Shepherd makes sacrifices for the sheep not because it is required, but because it is a choice. That sounds a lot like parenting and the dynamics of a healthy family life. Parents choose to make sacrifices for their children out of love, not obligation. Christian parents model and invite their children…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families, In today’s Gospel story, Jesus asked his disciples why they were troubled. Why do you think they were troubled? Share a time when you went to Jesus when you were troubled. Why did Jesus ask the disciples to look at his hands and his feet? Share a time when you had difficulty believing…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families, Within normal family life, there are many opportunities for conflict. Jesus did not promise us the absence of conflict in our lives. Instead, he gave us the gifts of peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation so that we could reduce conflict. The measure of Christian family life is not the absence of conflict, but the…

Faith Formation News

Hello Parents, In the Easter Gospel we hear about how the disciples found the tomb empty three days after Jesus’ death. We are also told that they do not yet understand the Scriptures or that Jesus had been raised from the dead. That understanding gradually unfolded for the disciples as they began to experience the…

Faith Formation News

Hello Parents, Palm Sunday, also called Passion Sunday, marks the beginning of Holy Week. During this week, we prepare ourselves for Easter by prayerfully reflecting on the events of Jesus’ passion and death. During this week, your family might display a crucifix in a prominent place as reminder of the salvation that Christ won for…

Faith Formation News

Dear Parents, Family life is often a balancing act in which we prioritize and attend to a variety of competing needs. We learn the value of putting others’ needs ahead of our own. In family life we also learn that when we make personal sacrifices to serve others, we gain so much more than we…