Livonia, Michigan

Fr. Tom

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

Trip to Poland Hopefully these few words would find you well. I would like to inform you that on July 15th I am going to Poland to visit my family. I will be gone until August 8th. There is a priestly coverage for every day while I will be away, but there will be NO…

Easter Sunday

Dear Parishioners of St. Genevieve – St. Maurice, The road to Calvary was filled with suffering, the cross and the Lord’s death. It appeared that all was lost – but He lived! He is risen from the very tomb that enclosed Him and He establishes the way. The joy of Easter is that God’s love…

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

First Sunday of Lent Let the journey begin! The journey of Lent! The primary purpose of Lent is to prepare us for the celebration of Jesus’ death and Resurrection. The second purpose is to bring us to renew our Baptismal promises of rejecting Satan and accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior, allowing him to…

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

Lent is around the corner… This upcoming Wednesday is Ash Wednesday. With the Holy Mass at 9 am and 7 pm, and with the distribution of the ashes we begin Lent. It’s a 40-day season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends at sundown on Holy Thursday. It’s a period…

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

Hopefully you had a blessed week. There are a few reasons why I am writing these few words for you this weekend. First is – The Memorial of Bl. Bronislaw Markierwicz. You already know that I am a member of religious community dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel. But probably don’t know much about our…

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

By the Faithful Disciple Grow as a Disciple Sometimes I stop paying attention to the news for a period of time. There seems to be little that’s “new” in the daily barrage of natural disasters and the countless ways we humans hurt each other. I’ve even stopped using social media, which at least made me…

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

By the Faithful Desciple Examine your heart and take a hard look at whether you are holding on to a wrong that was committed against you. Take it to God in prayer. The more we open our hearts to forgive others, the more at peace we can be. Ponder the last words of today’s reading…