Livonia, Michigan

Fr. Tom (Page 10)

From Fr. Tom

Merry Christmas, Wesolych Swiat, Feliz Navidad…! This Christmas of 2021, right now, God is speaking to the heart of each one of us! Whether we have been regular and faithful in taking part in weekly mass receiving the Eucharist, in praying daily, and in being His witness every day, or whether we have not been to Mass since last Christmas or Easter,…

From Fr. Tom

Happy Fourth and last Sunday of Advent! Today’s readings remind us that Jesus is reborn every day in ordinary people living ordinary lives, who have the willingness to respond to God’s call and the openness to do God’s will. They suggest that Christmas should inspire us to carry out God’s word as Mary, in perfect, loving obedience to His will, with cheerful…

From Fr. Tom

Welcome to the Third Sunday of Advent. Today is called “Gaudete” Sunday because today’s Mass begins with the Entrance Antiphon, “Gaudete in Domino semper” (“Rejoice in the Lord always”). Today we light the rose candle of the Advent wreath, and the priest may wear rose vestments to express our communal joy in the coming of Jesus as our Savior. The theme of…

From Fr. Tom

Welcome to the Second Sunday of Advent!  The Advent season challenges us to prepare for the celebration of Jesus’ first coming. We are also to prepare for Christ’s present “coming” to us in God’s Word, in the Eucharist, in our neighbors, in the Christian community, and in our souls. Finally, we are asked to be ready to meet Christ as our Judge…

From Fr. Tom

Welcome to Advent 2021. Have you ever heard about a mental rehearsal? Let me explain it to you. It was a hot Sunday in June. Millions of Americans were watching the U.S. Golf Open on TV. At the critical point in the game, the camera focused on Jack Nicklaus. He was in the rough and preparing to shoot out. Slowly and deliberately,…

From Fr. Tom

Hopefully your week was filled with God’s grace and His presence Today’s readings give us the assurance that our God will be with us all the days of our lives. So that we will have the ongoing presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst, guiding, protecting, and strengthening us in spite of our uncertainty concerning the end of time when, “Christ…

From Fr. Tom

Hopefully your week was filled with God’s grace and His presence. Today’s readings invite us to surrender our lives to God with a humble and generous heart by serving others lovingly and sacrificially. The first reading and the Gospel today present poor widows who sacrificially gave their whole lives and means of livelihood to God, foreshadowing the supreme sacrifice Jesus would offer…