Livonia, Michigan

Fr. Tom (Page 17)

From Fr. Tom!

Happy Christ the King Solemnity! This Sunday, we celebrate the solemnity of Christ the King, which is the last Sunday of the liturgical year in the church. Although traditionally we open the New Year on January 1st, in the Church the new year begins with the First Sunday of Advent, which is next Sunday. For me personally, this Sunday is always an…

From Fr. Tom!

Hopefully, you had a blessed week A story is told about a tourist in the Holy Land who wanted to have his picture taken on top of a camel. “It’s free,” said the camel owner, and up the tourist went with glee. But when the tourist wanted to get down, the camel owner said, “That will be $2.” “But you said it’s…

From Fr. Tom!

HOPEFULLY YOUR WEEK WAS HOLY AND BLESSED. A few words about the Gospel passage for this Sunday. Imagine the bridesmaids leaving their homes to go and await the arrival of the bridegroom. The following conversation takes place among them: “Do you think we need to take some extra oil?” “Why? The bridegroom will arrive at sunset anyway. That’s what the program says.”…

From Fr. Tom!

It’s hard to believe we are at the beginning of November already. “Time really flies, for those who have fun.” Since I put my step on St. Genevieve – St. Maurice parish ground “I have had so much fun.” I am blessed and filled with peace, so I shouldn’t be surprised that for me time flies very fast. I am grateful for…

From Fr. Tom!

WHO IS MY GOD??? IS MY “GOD”, THE ONE TRUE GOD. WHAT GOD AM I SERVING??? I, like all human beings, have yearnings and desires. I want to be whole, I want to be happy, I want to feel wanted and needed. These yearnings can lead to a sense of emptiness or unhappiness. I am not whole, I am needy, I am…

From Fr. Tom!

Hopefully you had a blessed week. Let me share a few words with you about a few upcoming and very important events for our parish community. I’m really looking forward to seeing you this Sunday, October 4th, from 2 pm – 3:30 pm on Middlebelt Rd. from Jamison to 6 Mile Rd., as we are going to manifest our respect and pray…

From Fr. Tom!

HAPPY AND BLESSED LAST SUNDAY OF SEPTEMBER! I’d like to begin my reflection for this 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time with a story. A young Associate Pastor, newly minted, decided to begin a Sunday evening Bible Study group. After 8 o’clock morning Mass, he asked the people to stay and he spoke to them about his idea to start a Bible Study…