Livonia, Michigan

Fr. Tom (Page 3)

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

What is Lent? Lent is a 40 day season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends at sundown on Holy Thursday. It’s a period of preparation to celebrate the Lord’s Resurrection at Easter. During Lent, we seek the Lord in prayer by reading Sacred Scripture; we serve by giving alms;…

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

Two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey, they had an argument and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand: “Today my best friend slapped me in the face.” They kept on walking,…

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

World Marriage Day World Marriage Day is an offshoot of Worldwide Marriage Encounter, an apostolate with the mission to help couples enjoy blissful and happy marriages. At its core, the day celebrates the husband and wife as the foundation of the family and sees the family as the basic unit of society. Further, World Marriage…

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

You are the salt of the earth… You are the light of the world… This Sunday Jesus encourages us to live our short lives as traces of salt and candles of light. It only takes a sprinkling of salt to transform a dull and tasteless piece of meat. Just a little salt transforms everything. Just…

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

Today’s readings define our Christian goal of eternal happiness and explain the attitudes and actions necessary to reach it. In the Beatitudes, Jesus outlines the values and attitudes needed to enter and enjoy God’s kingdom: poverty of spirit, hunger and thirst for justice, compassion, meekness, mercy, integrity, peace-making, and the willingness to suffer persecution for…

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

Today’s readings show that the early Christians understood how Jesus had fulfilled the expectations of ancient Israel. Describing the humble beginning of the public ministry of Jesus, today’s Scripture readings teach us that Christ has brought us from the darkness of sin into the Light of God by calling us to repentance and the acceptance…

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

Today’s Gospel reminds us that being a disciple of Jesus means that we are to grow by Faith to become witnesses for him. Bearing witness to Christ is an active, not passive, lifetime enterprise. One cannot be a disciple of Jesus at a distance, any more than one can be a distant lover. We are…