Livonia, Michigan

Fr. Tom (Page 4)

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

Epiphany, is the Greek word for Manifestation. This feast is proof that God loves everyone. Absolutely everyone. White, black, yellow and red, boys and girls, men and women, He loves absolutely everyone. So, what’s the story? How does the story begin? The three Wise Men, the Three Magi, heard news that in Bethlehem a new…

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

Happy New Year! As we continue to celebrate the birth of Jesus, we turn our attention today to his mother Mary, but we continue to focus on Jesus. We give various titles to Jesus such as Savior, Christ, Messiah, Lord, or Son of Man, and each of these titles expresses an aspect of our understanding…

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

In Africa, a tale is told of a boy called Amazu, who was always very inquisitive. One day he asked, “what language does God speak?” But no one could answer him. He traveled all over his county questioning everyone but could not get a satisfactory answer. Eventually he set out for distant lands on his…

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

Reflection for the 4th Sunday of Advent Finally, on this the Fourth Sunday of Advent, our Gospel Reading permits us to begin our contemplation of the mystery of the Incarnation we celebrate at Christmas: “Now this is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about”. The Gospel of Matthew tells the story of the birth…

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

The third Sunday of Advent is traditionally called Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete is the Latin word meaning “rejoice”. This Sunday is so named because “Rejoice” is the first word in the entrance antiphon for today’s Mass taken from Philippians 4:4,5: “Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I say, rejoice! The Lord is near.” Some people mark…

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

Reflection for the 2nd Sunday of Advent God gives a different grace in each season of the liturgical year. During this season of Advent, God has a grace to give you. When Jesus was entering Jerusalem for the last time, He wept because the people of Jerusalem did not recognize the time of their visitation…

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

Happy New Liturgical Year… This first Sunday of Advent is the beginning of a new liturgical year. It is also the year of Matthew’s Gospel, when the worldwide church will hear passages each Sunday from this great Gospel. Advent is a beautiful season that leads us to the feast of Christmas. A key word for…