Livonia, Michigan

SVdP (Page 3)

St. Vincent de Paul Thanksgiving Dinner Drive

Our parish St. Vincent de Paul Sociiet will be prividing a mimited number of Thanksgiving Dinner boxes to families in need within our parish boundaries. Please call 734-237-4793 ASAP if you know of anyone in real need. WE ARE IN NEED OF: Applesauce (small jars) Canned fruit (peaches & pineapple) Cranberry sauce (whole & jellied)…

St. Vincent de Paul News

In the gospel today, Jesus gives us the blessing of serving the poor, hungry, and weeping people, for you will then rejoice and leap for joy. But Jesus also teaches us the decisiveness of choice: blessing or woe. Choosing to help those that are suffering will fill your heart with the blessing of Jesus and…

St. Vincent de Paul Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Drive

  Once again this year our local parish St. Vincent de Paul society conference is going to be providing a limited number of Thanksgiving dinner boxes to needy families within our parish boundaries. Please let the office know ASAP if you know of anyone in real need. (Parish Office 734.427.5220) WE ARE IN NEED OF:…

Thank You – Thanksgiving Dinner Program

On Thanksgiving, we give thanks to the people in our lives, our health and wellness, the food on our table, and to our life and everything in it. We have so many things to be thankful for, and it felt wonderful to be able to give back during such a meaningful time of the year.…

Giving Tree

The St. Genevieve-St. Maurice Council of the St. Vincent DePaul Society is inviting parishioners to participate in our “Giving Tree” Christmas gift program for our Neighbors in Need. Ornaments listing needed gifts are available at the rear of the Church and parishioners are encouraged to limit handling ornaments before making their selections while practicing social…

St. Vincent de Paul News

“Go to the poor: you will find God”……… Your St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Society provides financial, food, and spiritual assistance to neighbors living within our parish boundaries. The funding and food for the pantry is supplied by your individual contributions, along with donations from local/corporate merchants which includes Meijer, Kroger, CVS, Bob’s Furniture, Google,…

St. Vincent de Paul Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Drive

Once again this year our local parish St. Vincent de Paul society is going to be providing a limited number of Thanksgiving Dinner boxes to needy families within our parish boundaries. Please let the office know ASAP if you know of anyone in real need, 734.427.5220. WE ARE IN NEED OF: applesauce, canned fruit (peaches…