Livonia, Michigan

News (Page 3)

Live Rosary

Join us on Facebook Live Monday, May 4th at 7pm as we pray the Rosary. We will be praying the Glorious Mysteries to celebrate our Blessed Mother during the month of May.  Although we cannot be together physically during this difficult time, we will join together spiritually! Tune in live at or watch later!…

To the faithful of the Archdiocese of Detroit

March 23, 2020 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As citizens of Michigan, we join with our neighbors in observing measures to address the spread of COVID-19. As we continue to practice social distancing to limit the virus’ spread, our response as the Body of Christ must always begin in faith. We believe Jesus is…

Church Open Times for Personal Prayer

The church handicapped door will be unlocked during the periods of Sunday Masses and during the week from about 8 am – 3 pm. We have confirmed our order of Palms and we will let everyone know how they will be made available. We will also continue to put out the bulletin with pertinent information,…

FORMED – Advent Reflections

Watch, Read, & Reflect for 10 Minutes a Day – Direct to Your Inbox Watch an inspiring video reflection from Dr. Tim Gray Read a passage from the Word of God Reflect on how you can prepare for Christ’s coming sign up with parish code:  C3J9D7 or log in and then sign up for Advent…

Faith Formation News

On Thursday June 7, 2018 we had eleven eighth graders Confirmed by Bishop Hanchon. The Bishop was very engaging and told them that confirmation was not a “graduation” from their religious education but an “enlistment” and beginning to their active participation in Church. Bishop reinforced this by taking out his ukulele and singing “THIS LITTLE…

The Sacred Paschal Triduum

HOLY WEEK PRAYER Dear Jesus, in this Holy Week, we remember the time from your triumphal entry as a king in Jerusalem to your tragic death as a criminal on Golgotha. In this week, give us the grace to imitate you in our everyday lives. As you washed the feet of your apostles, help us…