Livonia, Michigan

News (Page 5)

Vacation Bible School 2017 – Gallery added!

Vacation Bible School 2017 [metaslider id=3484] The coolest place to be this summer…. … is at St. Genevieve – St. Maurice Parish! July 10th – 14th 9 am – 12 pm Potty Trained 4 Yr. Olds Through 5th Graders! (Older Siblings welcome to attend as helpers!) 1 child – $35 2 children – $45 3 or more children (family rate) – $55 Please…

Sacramental Certificate Request Form

Sacramental Certificate Request Form In order to protect the confidentiality of these records, certificates will only be issued to the individual named on the certificate, the parent or guardian of a minor child, or a requesting parish. No certificates are issued for genealogical purposes. Download  Form

CSA 2017

Catholic Services Appeal 2017 Please continue to send in your pledge or offering for the 2017 CSA campaign. You can send in your pledge by putting it in the offertory basket or mailing it to the parish office You can also make your pledge online through the Archdiocese of Detroit . Go to: You…

Parish Facebook Page

Be sure to stay in touch with your parish family on our Facebook page! Click Here or search for @stgenevievestmaurice on Facebook or in Messanger.

Summer Raffle

St. Genevieve – St. Maurice Summer Raffle   CONGRATULATIONS! The Three winners of the Raffle for $100 on Saturday, August 27th are: Dolores Zimmer, Christina Setlock and Joe Morasso Monthly Prize Drawings! Three $100 winners each month 6/25/2016 – 5pm 7/30/2016 – 5pm 8/27/2016 – 5pm Tickets $1 each or 6 for $5 Parish Picnic…

2016 CSA

Catholic Services Appeal 2016 Please continue to send in your pledge or offering for the 2016 CSA campaign. You can send in your pledge by putting it in the offertory basket or mailing it to the parish office You can also make your pledge online through the Archdiocese of Detroit . Go to: You…

Pictorial Church Directory

EXCITING NEWS! Out Church directory will not be complete without you. Join us to celebrate faith and family with our new church family album. Schedule your professional photography session when you stop by the sign-up table t church or simply go online and follow the instructions below. If we don’t see your name on our…