Livonia, Michigan

News (Page 7)

Lenten Schedule

Lenten Schedule of Confessions and Stations of the Cross Fridays 3/21, 3/28, 4/4, 4/11 Regularly scheduled 9 am Mass followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction and Reposition following the evening Stations of the Cross. 12:45 pm              K-4th grade Stations of the Cross 1:25 pm                 5th-8th grade Stations of the Cross 2:20 pm                Praying…

It Is A Security Matter…

It Is A Security Matter… when not being used. The locks to the Activities Center-Kitchen-School have been re-keyed. Anyone using these areas: Must come to the Parish Office for the entry key; The key must be returned to the Parish Office after that days use; No key is to leave the campus. When the Parish Center renovation is completed, those locks will…

2014 Guide Book & Directory

Update Membership information We are in the process of updating our annual Guide Book & Directory for the parish. Here is your chance to update your record: Have you changed your phone number? Have you moved? Are you preparing to move soon? Are all of your children included in your membership record? Are all of…

2014 Guide Book & Directory

Update Membership information We are in the process of updating our annual Guide Book & Directory for the parish. Here is your chance to update your record: Have you changed your phone number? Have you moved? Are you preparing to move soon? Are all of your children included in your membership record? Are all of…

Merry Christmas

St. Genevieve-St. Maurice Parish Family Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father. (JAMES 1:17) Celebrating Christmas 2013, may we delight in the Incarnation and the continued blessings God is bestowing upon us. St. Genevieve-St. Maurice Staff

Military Care Packages

Send A Smile! Bernie Tomasik has been sending packages of treats to military personnel serving on foreign soil for many years. Bernie would be happy to send a package of treats to your loved one. Please contact the parish office with their name and their military APO address. Assistance with postage would be gratefully accepted…

Archdiocesan Wide Parishioner Survey

These surveys are in this weeks parish paper. Please return your completed survey by November 11, 2013, by placing it in the collection basket or drop off at the parish office. You may take the online survey from November 2nd – November 10th at