Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation News

Hello Faith Formation families,

Sunday, January 17th we begin another 8-week unit. With COVID, as you have all experienced, the mail is not what it used to be. I am happy to announce we have received shipment of our Gospel Weeklies! You can pick up your family packet in the Gathering Area this weekend after Mass. You will see a box with your family name on the packet. These materials cover the next 8-weeks, including the beginning of Lent. The next and final pick up will cover materials for Holy Week, Easter, and May activities honoring our Blessed Mother.

You can also pick up your materials this Wednesday January 20th in the lobby of the Activities Center from 4 pm to 7 pm. If you cannot pick up at Church, or Wednesday night please call the Faith Formation office to make arrangements or if you have any questions.

The students have been doing a good job turning in their online assignments. Keep up the great work!

This Wednesday, January 20th we begin face to face learning for grades 2, 7 and 8. Second graders will have their Communion retreat in the Activities Center from 5:30 pm to 7 pm, accompanied by at least one parent.

Gospel Weeklies Lessons Grades 2-6…

Sunday, January 17th – 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

John 1:35-42

Grades 7and 8 – In class

Grade 2 – Mandatory Communion Retreat with parent

Partners in Faith

~Phyllis Chudzinski