Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation News

Hello families! In today’s Gospel Reading, John 4:5-42, Jesus reveals himself to the Samaritan woman
at the well. Lent is a season for repentance. It is a season during which we are called to reflect upon and
to live deeply the promises of Baptism. The well and the conversation about water immediately recall for
us the Sacrament of Baptism. As the Samaritan woman was converted and sent on a mission because of
the conversation about water, we too are converted and sent by our Baptism to preach the good news of
Jesus to others.

Take this opportunity to reflect upon the importance of Baptism with your family. If you have photos
or other mementos of your family’s Baptisms, bring them out and take some time to recall the day of Baptism and its importance to you and your family.

Lenten Family Challenge – the Samaritan woman acknowledged her sins before Jesus in today’s Gospel
story. Go to confession as a family this week. (Remember the Act of Contrition you memorized a few
weeks ago!)

Liturgy Link – Find the eighth station of the cross in your church. What is happening in this station?

Partners in Faith,
Phyllis Chudzinski

Wednesday 3/15/23: Faith Formation classes K-8, 5:30-7:00 pm, 7th grade retreat
Wednesday 3/22/23: No Faith Formation Class, everyone is encouraged to attend the Family of Parishes Penitential Service at 7 pm, here a St. Genevieve-St. Maurice. Especially our Confirmation class, March 29th is Confirmation!
**Training for altar servers will begin soon. If you have any children in 3rd grade and up who are interested please contact the Faith Formation Office.