Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation News

Hello everyone!

There is still time to sign up your child for VBS! Visit out website or take a registration from the gathering area in church.

Family Connection

Church documents call the Christian family the “domestic church.” This is both a compliment and a call to commitment. Because the family is a community formed in love and dedicated to the physical and spiritual growth of its members, it is a miniature version of the Kingdom of God on earth. This Sunday’s Gospel Reading, Mark 4:26-34, consists of two parables that Jesus used to help us discern the mystery of the Kingdom of God. The beginning of the kingdom is compared to a tiny seed that over time matures and ripens. Many of the things we do within the family seem insignificant. They are part of our daily activity and attract little attention. Yet they show our love and concern for one another. According to the Gospel, it’s these small things that yield big results, acting as significant contributions to the growth of God’s kingdom on earth. The growth of the seed illustrates the nature and the results of a strong faith.

Read aloud together the Gospel of Mark 4:26-34. Consider how your family’s concerns reflect the Church’s concerns for those members who are poor, forgotten, hungry, ill, shunned, or lonely. Together think of a specific action that you can do to assist a person in your extended family, neighborhood, or parish. Now pray together the Lord’s Prayer, pausing briefly to consider the importance of the words “thy kingdom come.” Each evening this week as you gather for supper, share with one another the simple acts of love you witnessed within the family that day.

Partners in Faith,
Phyllis Chudzinski