Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation News

Hello Families!
The Faith Formation office and catechists are working hard preparing for the new school year. Registration forms have been sent out to existing Faith Formation families and are available in the back of church. If you are new to our parish or know a student who should be in our program, please contact the Faith Formation office. Our sacramental programs require a two-year commitment.

Time to Chat – Why is the Eucharist important to you? In the Gospel, we see people not understanding what Jesus is teaching. Who do you turn to when you don’t understand matters or teachings of the faith? Why? Who else could assist you? What are ways that you can remain in Jesus and stay close to him? What inspires you about St. Ignatius of Antioch?

Liturgy Link – What gesture do we do before we receive the Eucharist? a) bow, b) genuflect, c) make the sign of the Cross, or d) trace the sign of the cross on our heads, lips, and heart. Why is this gesture important?

Family Challenge – Together, pray the Family Prayer every day this week.

Family Prayer – National Eucharistic Revival Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ, you give us your flesh and blood for the life of the world, and you desire that all people come to the Supper of the Sacrifice of the Lamb. Renew in your Church the truth, beauty, and goodness contained in the Most Blessed Eucharist. Jesus living in the Eucharist, come and live in me. Jesus healing in the Eucharist, come and heal me. Jesus sacrificing yourself in the Eucharist, come and suffer in me. Jesus rising in the Eucharist, come and rise to new life in me. Jesus loving in the Eucharist, come and love in me. Lord Jesus Christ, through the paschal mystery of your death and resurrection made present in every Holy Mass, pour out your healing love on your Church and on our world. Grant that as we lift you up during this time of Eucharistic Revival, your Holy Spirit may draw all people to join us at this Banquet of Life. You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of the Eucharist, Pray for us.

Family Fun – Bubble Fun – Jesus is the living bread that came down from heaven. Today, make some bubbles and send them up to heaven. You can use bubbles from the store or make your own solution and wand.

Partners in Faith,
Phyllis Chudzinski