Hello Families!
The Faith Formation office and catechists are working hard preparing for the new school year. Registration forms have been sent out to existing Faith Formation families and are available in the back of church. Our first day of class is Wednesday, September 18th. If you are new to our parish or know a student who should be in our program, please contact the Faith Formation office. Our sacramental programs require a two-year commitment.
Time to Chat – Today’s reading concludes the Bread of Life Discourse which we heard on August 1st and August 8th. The disciples claim that Jesus’ teaching is hard. What are some teachings that are hard for you? Why do you think some of the disciples left Jesus and went back to their former way of life? Why do you think the Twelve stayed with Jesus? Which group of disciples do you most identify with . . . those who left Jesus or those who stayed with him? What is Jesus saying to you through the Bread of Life Discourse?
Liturgy Link – The Desert Fathers spent a lot of time with God in silence. During Mass, when are you able to spend time with God in silence? Family Challenge – This week, focus on being a peacemaker in your family and in your friend group. Withhold negative comments and judgements and be a good listener.
Family Prayer – with Music – As a family, listen to the song I Will Choose Christ by Tom Booth. You should be able to find the song on YouTube or wherever you stream music. Reflect on the lyrics and share how they connect to the Gospel.
Family Fun – Today, play a game that requires silence! On slips of paper, write down some places, people, animals, foods, etc. You may want to include the events in Jesus’ life. Place the slips of paper in in a bowl. Divide into teams or have each player play on their own. One person picks a slip from the bowl. With a timer set for 1 minute (or an appropriate time for the player), the person acts out the event on their slip of paper without talking. The first person/team to guess the correct answer gets a point. Rotate so everyone gets a turn to act and a turn to guess.
Partners in Faith,
Phyllis Chudzinski