Hello Families!
The Faith Formation office and catechists are working hard preparing for the new school year. Registration forms have been sent out to existing Faith Formation families and are available in the back of church. Our first day of class is Wednesday, September 18th. If you are new to our parish or know a student who should be in our program, please contact the Faith Formation office. Our sacramental programs require a two-year commitment.
Liturgy Link – In today’s Gospel Jesus tells us how not to behave, but the Responsorial Psalm (between the first and second readings) guides us on how to behave. What is today’s response? Gather as a family and list some of your most important family rules. Together, try to write a single, positive statement that captures the essential value behind your family rules. In today’s Gospel, we hear Jesus criticize the Pharisees for making their rules about ritual purity equal to the commandments of God’s Law. Read today’s Gospel, Mark 7:1-8,14-15,21-23. When we remember the essential element behind our rules, we see that our rules help us be the good people that Jesus wants us to be. Conclude in prayer together that we may always honor God’s Law in our words and deeds. Pray together today’s psalm, Psalm 15.
Take Time to Chat – Why does Jesus call the Pharisees and scribes hypocrites? Jesus teaches us that peoples’ words and actions can cause evil. In what way do words and actions hurt people today? In what way do people use words and actions on social media for good or bad?
Family Prayer – 7 Words from Pope Francis- Repeat this phrase from Pope Francis 7 times together: Jesus, make my heart more like yours.
Partners in Faith,
Phyllis Chudzinsk