Mary and Joseph bring their 40-day-old infant Jesus to the temple in order to fulfill the Mosaic law. There, they are met by Simeon and Anna, the faithful prophets who have spent their lives waiting for the coming of the King of Glory. These many years of waiting were like the “refiner’s fire” which the prophet Malachi describes in the first reading. Refined like gold by prayer and fasting, Simeon and Anna are prepared to meet their Lord. And in this moment, the Old and New Testaments meet, and the fulfillment of the Old is foreseen. Imagine the splendor of the moment when they finally laid their eyes on this king of light and glory – the culmination of a lifetime of hope, prayer, and preparation. Overcome with peace and joy at seeing his Lord, Simeon declares, “Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace,” for he had seen the glory of God.
Have you ever marveled at the beauty of a shiny, gold ring? Gold has long been regarded as one of earth’s greatest treasures, yet the gold we admire today doesn’t emerge in its pure, radiant form. To produce such beauty, gold must first undergo a process of intense refinement. A crude material is exposed to extreme heat to be melted and purified – until something of profound value emerges. Like gold, we, too, must be forged in fire to be made pure and holy. This is one way we can understand the prophet Malachi’s words. The “fires” we experience in our lives are not without purpose – God is purifying us so that one day we may live with him in eternity. He isn’t afraid of our “crude material”; rather, he gazes upon us with such intense love that our own beauty is revealed. As we undergo personal purification, let us stand in holy confidence like Simeon and Anna, witnessing to the truth that it is through the refiner’s fire that we are brought to glory.
We can become discouraged, feeling that our prayers are unanswered or that a life devoted to Christ is too difficult. When these moments arise, consider the prophets Simeon and Anna, who gave their lives in quiet devotion, trusting in God’s promises. Pray Simeon’s canticle, meditating on the glorious gift we have been given in our salvation, and the promise that even in the darkest of days a bright and shining light awaits us.
By the Faithful Disciple