Livonia, Michigan

Posts by Doug Holliday (Page 14)

St. Vincent de Paul News

Your parish Saint Vincent de Paul Society remains humbled by the continuous generosity of this parish. You have made an amazing difference in so many lives. Your actions mean more than words can express. You have aided multiple families with rent, utilities, car repairs and food. Specifically, over the past few months, you helped a…

Faith Formation News

Hello everyone! We are preparing for our “Scuba” themed Vacation Bible School the week of June 24th-28th. We will be having a volunteer meeting for anyone who is helping or wishes to help out on June 12th at 10am. If you are interested in being a volunteer just show up! *All adults will be required…

Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

By the Faithful Disciple GROW AS A DISCIPLE I know people who read the ending of a book before they are finished with it. I could never do that! I have to follow the story in every detail until the final page. When it comes to the story of our salvation history, however, we get…

Faith Formation News

Hello everyone! We are preparing for our “Scuba” themed Vacation Bible School the week of June 24th-28th. If you are interested in being a volunteer, please contact the Faith Formation office at 734-261-5920 or We will be starting to meet with our volunteers in a couple of weeks. *All adults will be required to…

The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ

By the Faithful Disciple Grow As a Disciple The Feast of Corpus Christi celebrates the great Christian mystery of the Eucharist – that Jesus Christ is really, truly, and substantially present under the appearances of bread and wine. At the Last Supper, Jesus breaks the bread and passes the cup of wine, telling his disciples…

Faith Formation News

Hello everyone! We are preparing for our “Scuba” themed Vacation Bible School the week of June 24th-28th. If you are interested in being a volunteer, please contact the Faith Formation office at 734-261-5920 or We will be starting to meet with our volunteers in a couple of weeks. We look forward to seeing you…

The Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity

By the Faithful Disciple GROW AS A DISCIPLE Today is an opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the mystery of the Holy Trinity: One God, two natures (Jesus is fully human and fully divine), and three divine persons. Whenever I think about this feast, I am reminded of some wise words I heard once from…