Livonia, Michigan

Posts by Doug Holliday (Page 30)

Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Faithful Disciple GROW AS A DISCIPLE I’ll always remember that first Easter after my Dad passed away. It was when the promise of the resurrection truly hit home. Sure, I had always believed in heaven and that everyone had the possibility of spending eternity there, but until my Dad died, it had all…

Sodality News

Thanks to everyone who helped make our Bake Sale a success. We had a nice selection of baked goods and plenty of helpers. If you helped set up, worked at the sale, baked or purchased an item, we thank you. A special thanks to Judi Fanco for chairing the sale. Our next meeting is November…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families! “Do as I say, not as I do.” How many of us have been tempted to say this to our children? In today’s Gospel we hear a resounding reply from Jesus, “Practice what you preach.” Those who know us best, our family and especially our children, can identify the inconsistencies between what we…

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

By the Faithful Disciple GROW AS A DISCIPLE We all want to feel special and be noticed. We see it in Adam and Eve’s decision to eat the fruit in the garden after the snake promises “your eyes will be opened, and you will be like gods.” (Gen 3:5) The scribes and the Pharisees in…

St. Vincent de Paul News

Thank you for your continued support of our programs. Through your support we are able to assist those within our parish boundaries with help with rent, mortgage, food, clothing, utilities, and gasoline gift cards. We are often the first step in getting families back on their feet. Recently thanks to your donations, a single mother…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families! Faith Formation would like to invite all parish families with kids to our All-Saints Day Activity Night on November 1st at 5:15pm. Join us for food, games and Saint presentations from the students of our program. You do not need to be currently in our Faith Formation program to attend. Please RSVP to…

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

By the Faithful Disciple Grow as a Disciple Sometimes I stop paying attention to the news for a period of time. There seems to be little that’s “new” in the daily barrage of natural disasters and the countless ways we humans hurt each other. I’ve even stopped using social media, which at least made me…