Livonia, Michigan

Church News (Page 55)

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

Welcome to the XVI Sunday of Ordinary Time. The central themes of today’s readings are the importance of hospitality in Chris- tian life and the necessity of listening to God before acting. The key to the Christian life is setting priorities: Jesus Christ first, then everything else. The only way to really learn that lesson…

The feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

The feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, celebrated on July 16, was first instituted in the late 14th century in commemoration of the approval of the rule of the Carmelite Order a hundred years earlier. According to legend, a religious community was established even before the time of Christ on Mount Carmel. This is…

Faith Formation News

We ended our VBS Food Truck Party “On a Roll with God” with a delicious lunch from Keaik’s Food Truck! The food was amazing! I want to thank all of our adult volunteers; Loretta Gelhaus, Jan Belleperche, Suezane Canfield, Linda Morasso, Karen Bonanno, Rick Fanco and Tori Holliday, and our middle school/teen volunteers; Ava, Gino,…

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

There are a number of fairytales about people who helped others and who were greatly rewarded as a result. In the story of Beauty and the Beast, a wicked witch curses a handsome prince and changes him into an ugly monster. He remains that way until a beautiful princess comes along and changes him back…

Notes from Pat

Summertime, and the livin’ is easy … the song goes. For this reason, I have given the choir a break for the summer- a well-deserved break at that! Some of them will continue to come and sing when they can, without having our weekly rehearsals. They are a very dedicated group that I really appreciate…

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

Let me tell you a story: “A young man was very excited because he just won a ticket to the Super Bowl. His excitement lessened as he realized his seat was in the back of the stadium. As he searched the rows ahead of him for a better seat, he saw an empty one right…