“Ephphatha” There is a little ritual in the new rite of Baptism whose name and form are taken from today’s Gospel: “The Ephphatha.” The celebrant touches the ears and then the lips of the one to be baptized saying: “The Lord Jesus who made the deaf hear and the mute to speak, grant that you may soon receive His word with your…
Just want to give you a heads up that there will be a Parish Picnic on Sunday September12th.This year the Men’s Club is putting together a car show at this event. The Sodality has been asked to participate in this event. We will do our usual game with a car theme. Father has asked that…
Greetings to you all. Hopefully your week was filled with God and His Grace. At the beginning of my reflection for this weekend I’d like to ask: have you ever heard about a canned heart? A canned heart is a closed heart where no one goes in and no love goes out. It doesn’t get hurt. It is a well–preserved heart with…
5 reasons your child should be an altar server Written by Angie Kauffman from Real Life Homehttps://www.reallifeathome.com/?=altar+server You’re More Likely to Get to Mass or Church Services on Time. Okay, so maybe this isn’t the holiest reason for having your child be an altar server. But, let’s be real — it’s a reason. It can…
Hopefully your weekend was filled with God’s Grace. After the last weekend’s glorious celebration of the Assumption of our Blessed Mother we come back to the teaching of Jesus about the Bread of Life. Jesus in today’s Gospel challenges his Jewish audience, and later His apostles, to make their choice: to accept Him as the true Bread from Heaven Who gives them…
The year of COVID has certainly taken its toll on every area of our lives including our children’s faith journey and attendance at Faith Formation classes. Please remember that the Faith Formation program is very much like an academic school program in that each year builds on the previous year’s learning. It is important to…
HAPPY ASSUMPTION FEAST TO YOU! On this Mary’s Feast we have been given the Gospel passage that describes the Visitation. Mary has just been told that she is to be the Mother of God. And rather than keeping this news to herself or wondering how she will cope, she sets out on a journey to visit her cousin Elizabeth. Not only does…